Quantitative Respirator Fit Test

Fit testing of tight-fitting respirators, such as disposable or reusable respirators is required to ensure the user has selected the correct size respirator and that a seal against the face can be made in order to provide the expected protection.

It is required in Malaysia by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) before a user wears a mandatory respirator on the job, and must be assessed at least annually as highlighted in the Guidelines on The Use of Personal Protective Equipment Against Chemical Hazards, under the Occupational Safety & Health (Use and Standard of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000. In addition, OSHA stipulates that fit testing of employees must occur at least annually; whenever a different size, style, model or make of respirator is used; and when any physical change occurs that could affect fit (such as, for example, significant weight fluctuation, dental work, or other facial changes).

There are two (2) types of fit test methods: Qualitative fit test (QLFT) and Quantitative fit test (QNFT).

  • A qualitative fit test (QLFT) may only be used to fit-test certain negative-pressure, air-purifying respirators and positive-pressure, atmosphere-supplying respirators. It relies on the user’s ability to detect a particular taste, smell or irritant.
  • A quantitative fit test (QNFT) can be used to fit-test any tight-fitting respirator. It involves using an instrument to measure leakage around the face seal and produces a numerical result called a “fit factor.”

AMCEN is now providing Quantitative fit test (QNFT) service! Looking for on-site quantitative fit test service provider? Contact us NOW!