Chemical Testing

AMCEN Lab offers a full array of analytical options for environmental pollutants, asbestos, paint, metals, and chemicals. The need for chemical analysis can arise from a wide variety of situations. At AMCEN Lab our team of dedicated specialist technical staff has access to many chemical and materials analysis techniques and can advise you on how best to address your requirements in a cost-effective and reliable way.
Chemical analysis covers a range of techniques and an even broader range of sample types and sources. Analysis may involve using a particular technique or a combination of methods and samples can be solids, liquids or gases. Our highly experienced staffs are skilled in using the wide array of tools and techniques to produce results targeted to the customers’ requirements. This can range from a simple request to quantify the concentration of an element or chemical through to solving a specific problem or supporting a development project.
The examples of testing provided by AMCEN Lab are listed below:
- Specific Migration Overall Migration Packaging material/Toys/Ceramic ware/Metal cans..etc
- Flash point
- Schedule waste
- Particle Size Distribution
- Traditional Medicine
- Cosmetic
- Karl Fisher (Moisture Determination)
- Viscosity
- Metabolisms (urine/blood)
- Assay determination
- Water analysis
- Toxic Contaminants in waste (TCLP/TTLC)
- Ion contaminants in Electronics products
- Biodegradability
- Accelerators in rubber